Dear Student, NSTS is committed to providing you with quality services and facilities. Please take a moment to complete this survey to let us know what you think of our CDL program. Your responses are will be kept strictly confidential and only used to and it will be used to improve our school performance. What you have to say is important to us.

Please, answer the questions

How would you rate the following?
1. Instructional Materials
2. Cost of Tuition
3. School Trucks and Trailers
4. Classroom appearance
What overall rating would you give our office staff?
Michael Svoboda (President)
1. Friendliness
2. Proficiency
3. Responsibility
Agnessa Svoboda (Program Director)
1. Friendliness
2. Proficiency
3. Responsibility
Helen Klaus (School Administrator)
1. Friendliness
2. Proficiency
3. Responsibility
What overall rating would you give each instructor?
Julie Huling (Certified Instructor)
1. Friendliness
2. Proficiency
3. Responsibility
Let's summarize 🖖
Would you recommend this course to other students?
How would you rate your overall school experience?
National Standard Trucking School