There are some factors that can influence your chance to find a job as a truck driver. To be hired as a truck driver doesn’t depend on the obvious things like employment history, criminal history, and driving record, but also on your physical health and credit scores.
Any trucking company is quite strict about the people it hires because they pay attention to the huge liability involved with putting a driver behind the wheel of an 80,000 pound truck. So, let’s discuss the major factors that can influence your chance to find work in the trucking industry:
- Criminal History – It is difficult to receive a job in the trucking industry if you have felonies under five years old. It is easier with felonies over ten years old, but still it does not guarantee job placement. Some trucking companies don’t want to hire a driver with a drug or theft related felony and others don’t want to hire someone with a violent felony. Most trucking companies don’t consider misdemeanors but they are less scrutinized. Some companies provide a review of the felony with over five years old. All you need is to apply and speak with a recruiter about the details. A truck driver has a chance to be hired.
- Alcohol Violations – To be considered for a truck driving career, alcohol violations, such as DWIs and DUIs, must be at least five years old, ten years is standard. And to have no more than one violation. Trucking companies know about a “Reckless Driving” on your record that is often a plea against a DUI; don’t hope that your DUI is hidden under this label.
- Positive substance abuse testing histories – Positive substance abuse testing histories make it problematic for truck drivers to be hired in this industry. You will be denied job placement if you have failed an alcohol or drug test within the last ten years. If a trucking company wants to hire you, they will need to access your “approved” status from a Substance Abuse Professional (SAP). You job placements is impossible if you have not met with a SAP. All truck driving students will be tested prior to enrollment and then will be placed in a random drug pool while in school. After graduation, students will move on to their new jobs, they will be tested again and placed into a new drug pool. Some trucking companies require hair follicle testing rather than urine because they are more accurate and more capable of finding prior drug use histories.
- Driving Record – Accidents and tickets in the last three years will be considered. Moving violations such as patterns of speeding within the last six years, will affect the placement in the trucking industry. Accidents, regardless of fault, will be studied. So you need to receive the accident report from the police station in the district where the accident happened and make it available to trucking companies when you apply.
- Employment History – Lack of a work history or an unstable work history will affect your job placement. If a truck driver has been unemployed for a long time, like over six months, they should be able to verify what they have been doing during that time. Trucking companies want to know that a truck driver made good use of their time while they were unemployed.
- Physical Health – There are health issues that can affect passing a DOT physical, for example, high blood pressure, diabetes treated with insulin shots, seizures, glasses with outdated prescriptions, recent heart attacks/surgeries, unconfirmed sleep apnea and even certain medications. You may speak to a physician regarding any issues you have. Some of the health issues, such as seizures, are automatic lifetime disqualifications, others as outdated prescriptions can be corrected. Some drivers with disabilities can obtain waivers from the Department of Transportation that will enable them to drive a semi-truck.
- Age – Drivers in their late sixties and over will find placement more problematic, but not impossible and drivers under twenty-three will have a more difficult time due to insurance regulations.
New Sound Truck Driving School Will Help You Start Your Career
We know that finding a job, as a truck driver, can be super tough. Moreover, finding a job that you will enjoy with stability and great pay can seem like just a pipe dream.
However, if you fit requirements by trucking companies you will receive great benefits, job security, and the freedom of the open road.
Ready to start training to become a truck driver? Call us at 253-210-0505 or email today. With our help, you can apply for truck driving jobs in no time.