Attendance is an important part of any instruction. Absences can negatively affect the student’s progress. Excessive absences WILL be cause for termination.

Excessive absences occur when two consecutive or (3)three total absences takes place.

Unexcused absences occur when the student fails to explain the absences prior to that absence. If a student misses over 3 days of training, the school may recommend that the student reschedule the training to a future date. Rescheduled training will be conducted in one of two ways: If there is a vacancy in another ongoing session, the student may attend those missed modules. The missed modules, hours or subjects may be rescheduled at the school’s convenience.


The student will receive a warning letter after two un-excused absences. Unless arrangements are made with the school director, a student who has four absences will be sent a drop letter from our program. If the student fails to respond to the drop letter in a reasonable time, they will be dropped from the program.

Leave of Absence

A student seeking a leave of absence must do so by notifying the School Director in writing. Students who are granted a leave of absence will be dropped from the school if the student does not re-enroll within 30 days. A leave of absence cannot exceed thirty (30) calendar days for regular leave or thirty (30) days for a verified medical reason. Only one leave of absence will be granted to each student.


National Standard Trucking School does not re-admit students who have been dropped from our course. Other circumstances will be dealt with on an individual basis.